Saturday, May 21, 2011

How, What and When should I eat??

So....I've been reading into fitness magazine quite a lot and have come to the conclusion that my workout routine is not the only thing I need to revamp, however this is a problem for me. Because I've always been pretty active I've always had a pretty rocking metabolism so to maintain a slim figure dieting was never really necessary. But I've discovered that to maintain a rockin physique it is, my dilemma is that I have no clue HOW to change my diet. You see one of my pet peeves has always been prissy little female who turn away perfectly good meals because they're "watching they're figure" I'd rather not turn into one of those....So I suppose my challenge at this point to to figure out how to continue to eat like a REAL person without completely destroying any progress I've made in working out....I know that I need to maintain a balanced diet and that in essence almost nothing in moderation is really bad for you, even fat and sugar is necessary if done properly. I guess this call for more research on the matter...Well off to google I go, i guess I'll post my nutrition discoveries as I make them :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Let's DO This!

Ok as I said I've become a bit addicted to working out and achieving the amazing physique of the fitness models I seen in my magazines. Unlike many women I'm not merely trying to slim down and look skinny in my bikini I want muscle, real muscle. I want to look strong when you see me and LOOK like I could kick your ass! No I'm not striving toward of excessively muscular bodies of some fitness competitors, the kind that no longer look female. I still want to maintain my femininity but I was to look strong and fit at the same time. This began I guess a couple months ago when I joined an actual gym for the first time and since then the obsession with be fit has slowly begun to build since then, and when I say fit I me inside and out and naturally. This is not to stay I did work out before I just didn't have the same goals when doing so that I do now.
Alright, well I've never really blogged before but I guess step one in this process should be posting a picture of my current physique ya go

This picture is actually not incredibly current, this was taken during a photo shoot for Scuba Extreme's Sexy Scuba Calendar nearly a year ago, but I thought posting this would be best so that I can really track my progress from ground zero. I don't have any current body pictures at the moment....I suppose I'll have to take one of those soon and post it as well...I'll get around to that eventually

Oh and I guess I should also post my goal body, this is a fitness model that I saw in Natural Muscle Magazine that essentially has the kind of muscle definition in most areas that I'd like to achieve