Workout Routines

Routine (05/11)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Core Lower Body Upper Body Cardio Full Body Challenge Core Flexibility Exercises

Alright so as of now this is my current routine, the exercises I do for Core, Lower and Upper body are listed below  Usually for My Full body challenge I simply compile some of the exercises from each routine and push myself as far as I can on both weight and reps and record my results and progress, I'll start posting those this week.  My cardio days I switch up a lot depending on how much time I have, I'll do anything from an aerobics routine, a video or just getting on the elliptical for 45min or so.  I'll also post my flexibility exercises this week I'm still working on finding some good exercises for that.

Monday (Core):
Plank 3, 30sec sets

Leg Raises

Leg Lift Crunch
Weighted Crunches


Incline Crunches 3x15

Hanging Leg Lifts
Assisted Leg Lifts 3x15

Ab Machine 3x15

Plank Hops
Tripod Twists

Tuesday (Lower Body):

Stiff-Leg Deads 3x10
Leg Curls 3x15

Lunges 3x10/leg
(w/ 30lbs)
Calf Lifts 3x15
(w/ 30lbs)

Bench Step-up 4x10
Leg Press Machine 4x10

Swing Squats 3x15
Cable KickBacks 3x10

Squats on machine 3x15
Calf lifts on machine 3x20

Wall Sit 4, 30 sec sets
(w/10lb medicine ball)

Wednesday (Upper Body):

Cheer Press 4x15
Side Dumbbell Rows 4x15
Lat Pull 4x15

Decline Push-up 3x10

Bicep Curls 3x15/arm
(w/15lbs each)
Tricep Curls 3x15
(w/15lbs each)
Preacher Curls 3x15

Chest Press 3x10
Chest Flies 3x10

Dumbbell Lat Raise 3x10
Tri Kickbacks 3x10
Dumbbell Skier 3x10

*Note: I do about 20 to 30 minutes of cardio after each workout, The cardio day of my rountine however is reserved for high intensity cardio-focused exercise